Cultural Program
We start with a special late afternoon / evening event as a welcome and come
together on Sunday, July 17, 19:30, at the Schweizerhaus
in the famous Wiener Prater.
On Monday, July 18, 19:30, we will enjoy a "Heurigen-Restaurant" (Heuriger = wine of
current year) in Strebersdorf near the conference site.
On Wednesday, July 20, 19:30, the conference dinner will take place in the restaurant
of the conference site.
For each of the three events (Schweizerhaus, Heuriger, conference dinner) we will ask
you for a flat rate of 30 Euros.
Lunches can be taken in the restuarant of the conference site for small amounts of money.
Coffee breaks are for free.
On Tuesday, starting at 11:00 in front of the Stephansdom, we invite accompanying
persons for a free guided sightseeing tour.